Los Angeles
Jimmy Smits: PSA on Education
Added 763 Views / 0 LikesJimmy Smits on the importance of great teachers.» Subscribe to NBC: http://full.sc/y8sIqDGet more NBC:Full Episodes: http://NBC.com/video/library/full-episodes/NBC YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nbcFollow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBCLike NBC: http://Faceb
KNBC Anchors Remember Northridge Quake
Added 699 Views / 0 LikesKNBC's Chuck Henry and Colleen Williams were two of the first journalists on the air after the Northridge earthquake shook Southern California. 20 years late...
KNBC-TV - Live - Gunman barges onto set
Added 724 Views / 0 LikesA gunman barges onto the set of KNBC local news in Los Angeles, interrupting consumer reporter David Hurwitz.