The Art Of War Sun Tsu Documentary
Added 1,008 Views / 0 LikesThe Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise that is attributed to Sun Tzu (also referred to as "Sunzi" and "Sun Wu"), a high ranking military gene...
Japan's War In Colour | 2004
Added 978 Views / 0 Likes(c) Japan's War in Colour (2004), narrated by Brian Cox. Japan's role in World War II gets a whole new perspective in this consisting entirely of full color ...
War Thunder - The T-34
Added 804 Views / 0 LikesYou could fill whole libraries with what's been written about Soviet Russias' war-winning tank. It wasn't just one of the best, if not the best tank in the world when it was introduced, but...
10 Deadliest Wars In History
Added 961 Views / 0 Likes10 Deadliest Wars in History Conquests, rebellions and battlefields have claimed millions of lives. Discover which wars were the most brutal with 10 Deadlies...
Vietnam War Combat Footage
Added 943 Views / 0 LikesVIETNAM WAR RAW COMBAT VIDEO in Saigon - FPS War Documentary Footage ARVN Airborne repell Vietcong attack, Saigon, South Vietnam in 1968 - ARVN soldiers unde...