Colonial History
History Of Cuba: Colonial Cuba
Added 962 Views / 0 LikesCredits: Udayan K as Udy Chansol P as Chansol *Citations coming soon.
History Of The French Colonial Empire
Added 931 Views / 0 LikesAnimation showing the rise and fall of France's colonial empire, from 1550 - 2013. At its height, in the 1920s and 1930s, the French Empire was second only i...
History Of The USA - Summary Of Colonial Period
Added 1,008 Views / 0 LikesHistory of the United States, Vol. I: The Colonial Period by Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948) and Mary Ritter Beard (1876-1958) (FULL Audio Book) Charles Aus...
Nigerian Colonial History 1
Added 926 Views / 0 LikesThis is the culled from a series of films produced for the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria titled "The Colonial Legacy, Journey to Nationhood.
Portuguese Colonial History / Slaves / Brazil
Added 861 Views / 0 LikesWithin a brief period of time this tiny nation grew into an economic empire that spanned the globe, dominating trade in East India for two centuries. Portuga...
The British Empire In Colour - Part 1/3
Added 796 Views / 0 LikesThe British Empire In Colour - part 1/3 In his book Late Victorian Holocausts, published in 2001, Mike Davis tells the story of the famines which killed betw...