Prof. Mark Rounsevell - Climate Change: Where Are We Going?
Added 648 Views / 0 LikesProfessor Mark Rounsevell, Professor of Rural Economy and Sustainability, delivers the eighth lecture in the 2014 Our Changing World series, entitled Climate Change: Where Are We Going? This...
What We KNOW About Climate Change - Kerry Emanuel
Added 768 Views / 0 LikesProfessor Kerry Emanuel has been known for his "Show me the data!" approach to climate science. In this talk, he will present a long term, evidence-driven vi...
Joe Hockey On Climate Change At The G20
Added 892 Views / 0 LikesTreasurer Joe Hockey says Barack Obama faces the challenge of getting his climate policies through a hostile US congress, and talks about the place of climate change at the G20 summit. Watch...
Studying Alaska's Ice And Snow To Track Climate Change
Added 648 Views / 0 LikesGlacial ice is like nature's ancient history book, and today the story is climate change. Science correspondent Miles O'Brien reports from Alaska, where researchers are studying how warmer...
China Promoting Green Energy To Tackle Climate Change
Added 676 Views / 0 LikesWith climate change on the agenda at the G20 Summit, China is doing its part to tackle pollution. In Hebei Province, where air pollution is a significant issue, the use of green energy is being...
Kenya Making Strides In Combating Climate Change
Added 692 Views / 0 LikesKenya was among the few African countries that had made major strides in combating climate change, following the validation of the draft Policy on Climate Action in September 2014.This now...
Prof. David Battisti - Climate Change And Global Food Security
Added 700 Views / 0 LikesProfessor David Battisti delivers the seventh 2014 Our Changing World lecture, entitled Climate change and Global Food Security. This is also a Carnegie Cent...
Climate Change Is Simple
Added 688 Views / 0 LikesDavid Roberts is staff writer at In "Climate Change is Simple" he describes the causes and effects of climate change in blunt, plain terms. On Apr...
Climate Change Deal: China And U.S. Agree To Cut Down Carbon Emissions
Added 751 Views / 0 Likes -
Getting Serious About Climate Change
Added 764 Views / 0 LikesVisit: This year, the Keeling Lecture features UCSD School of International Relations and Pacific Studies Professor David Victor, an int...
Why U.S. And China Agreed On Climate Change Action
Added 739 Views / 0 LikesThe U.S. and China reached a historic agreement to drastically curb carbon emissions after months of secret talks. Will either side be able to deliver on the pledge? Michael Oppenheimer of...