Black Burgers Back In Japan - IGN News
Added 789 Views / 0 LikesYou can now get black burgers, with black buns and cheese, at Burger King in Japan. Yeah, we don't know either.
Fox News Admits They're Selling Sex
Added 894 Views / 0 Likes"A segment on Fox News' The Five Thursday about White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest went off the rails very quickly as co-host Bob Beckel remarked that looks matter when you job involves...
Debate: Should Britain QUIT The European Union?
Added 760 Views / 0 LikesApril 06, 2013 BBC News
14 September 2014 Breaking News ISIS ISIL Surfaced Video Of British Aid David Haines Beheaded
Added 788 Views / 0 Likes14 September 2014 Breaking News ISIS ISIL surfaced video of British aid David Haines beheaded UK Prime Minister David Cameron mentioned in video
Andres Escobar murder investigation
Added 1,042 Views / 0 LikesInvestigative story about the reasons for Andres Escobar's death after an own goal in the World Cup 1994 on Telemundo's "Sin Fronteras" show. In Colombia, 10 years after the death of Andres, an investigation on Telemundo Network by journalists Keyvan Heyd