Northern Ireland
In this section, you can enjoy videos relating to Northern Ireland. Please follow the links on the right hand side to access the videos.
Brits&Northern Ireland FULL Documentary Ep2
Added 695 Views / 0 LikesThis show tells the full story of the Northern Irelands troubled history. There are 3 episodes for each group. Brits - Provos - loyalists. Don't for get to l...
Invest Northern Ireland - Success
Added 1,005 Views / 0 LikesThe Northern Ireland economy has a growing reputation for innovative excellence. Northern Ireland business are achieving global success. Invest NI can help y...
Northern Ireland fans singing
Added 1,104 Views / 0 LikesNorthern Ireland fans in full voice for the Italy match at Windsor Park Belfast Friday 8th October
Doing Business In Brazil - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 811 Views / 0 LikesRenate Buzon, In Market Advisor, Brazil and Teresa Madden, Trade Advisor, South America outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland companie...
Why Choose Northern Ireland -- Hear From The Business, Professional And Financial Services Sector
Added 722 Views / 0 Likes -
Northern Ireland- Open For Business
Added 1,012 Views / 0 LikesDUP Leader and First Minister of Northern Ireland speaking from Washington USA where he and other Ministers from the Executive including Enterprise Minister ...
Doing Business In Saudi Arabia - Export Opportinities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 1,106 Views / 0 LikesWissam Saadi, In Market Advisor, Saudi Arabia and Claire Gadd, Trade Advisor, Middle East outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland compan...
Federation Of Small Businesses (FSB) Northern Ireland
Added 827 Views / 0 LikesEstablished in 1974, the Federation of Small Businesses(FSB) is the largest business support organization in the UK, larger than CBI, Iod and British Chamber...
Invest Northern Ireland - Invest In Northern Ireland
Added 1,127 Views / 0 LikesAs a location, Northern Ireland has exactly what you're looking for - a superb infrastructure, competitive costs and a young, educated workforce with an unst...
Doing Business In South Africa - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 1,002 Views / 0 LikesRonelle Dinsmore, In Market Advisor, South Africa and Majella McLaverty, Trade Advisor, South Africa outline business opportunities available to Northern Ire...