2015 Women's 10k
Added 757 Views / 0 LikesHear some of the stories of the women who took part in the Glasgow Women's 10k in 2014. Learn more about how you can take part at http://www.tearfund.org/teamtearfund
A quick look at the No Child Taken Resources
Added 998 Views / 0 LikesWhat do you get if you order a No Child Taken resource pack?Here's a quick look inside!Order your pack here: http://bit.ly/NCT-OrderPackTo see a bit more, watch this: http://youtu.be/xMscF-n_ggQhttp://www.tearfund.org/nochildtaken
BIG IF Belfast: Highlights
Added 1,000 Views / 0 LikesHighlights from Tearfunds Fringe event and The Big If in Belfast!
David Bainbridge on South Sudan
Added 876 Views / 0 LikesGive to help Tearfund's work in South Sudan: http://www.tearfund.org/southsudan
Ebola Crisis Appeal
Added 730 Views / 0 LikesTearfund, a member of the DEC, launches an emergency appeal for it's Ebola response.
Enough Food For Everyone IF campaign - This is our big moment...
Added 1,737 Views / 0 LikesWe believe that as God's church we need to speak out against hunger, and this summer we have an amazing opportunity to do so. Find out more about how you and your church can make your voice heard by coming to the Big IF Event on 8th June in London, or 15t
Helping people hit by flooding in Brazil
Added 841 Views / 0 LikesSee how a Tearfund partner has helped Brazilians affected by severe flooding.
Iraq Crisis Appeal
Added 715 Views / 0 LikesTearfund launches an appeal for Iraq. You can give to help those in desperate need of help at www.tearfund.org/Iraq.
Join a network of volunteers across the globe...
Added 865 Views / 0 LikesFind out how you can volunteer overseas and connect with others, like you across the world. Will you join us?www.tearfund.org/go
Martha Collison: 'God Can Heal Broken Lives.'
Added 812 Views / 0 LikesWe caught up with Martha Collison to talk about faith, baking and No Child Taken. To find out more about the Tearfund Big Bake visit www.tearfund.org/BigBake.The views and opinions expressed in the above video are solely those of Martha Collison. They do