Japan's War In Colour | 2004
Added 982 Views / 0 Likes(c) Japan's War in Colour (2004), narrated by Brian Cox. Japan's role in World War II gets a whole new perspective in this consisting entirely of full color ...
The Art Of War Sun Tsu Documentary
Added 1,013 Views / 0 LikesThe Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise that is attributed to Sun Tzu (also referred to as "Sunzi" and "Sun Wu"), a high ranking military gene...
Vietnam War Combat Footage
Added 947 Views / 0 LikesVIETNAM WAR RAW COMBAT VIDEO in Saigon - FPS War Documentary Footage ARVN Airborne repell Vietcong attack, Saigon, South Vietnam in 1968 - ARVN soldiers unde...
10 Deadliest Wars In History
Added 965 Views / 0 Likes10 Deadliest Wars in History Conquests, rebellions and battlefields have claimed millions of lives. Discover which wars were the most brutal with 10 Deadlies...
War Thunder - The T-34
Added 808 Views / 0 LikesYou could fill whole libraries with what's been written about Soviet Russias' war-winning tank. It wasn't just one of the best, if not the best tank in the world when it was introduced, but...