Adult Learning
English - Alphabet lower case
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
ă - short vowel - a as in ‘hat’
ā - long vowel - a as in ‘fame’
ĕ - short vowel - e as in ‘pet’
ē - long vowel - e as in ‘beet’
ĭ - short vowel - i as in ‘bit’
ī - long vowel - i as in ‘bite’
ŏ - short vowel - o as in ‘hot’
ō - long vowel - o as in ‘book’
ŭ - short vowel - u as in ‘hut’
ū – long vowel – u as in ‘cucumber’
Generation Inspiration: Learning To Read At 90+
Added 1,366 Views / 0 LikesFisherman James Arruda Henry, who just authored a book, shares his inspiring story of learning to read and write in his mid-90s.
Adult Literacy - Teach YOURSELF To Read English - Sheet 01 - Box Read Learn Method.
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Technical Writing Skills : Learning How To Read&Write For Adults
Added 1,335 Views / 0 LikesLearning to read and write is hard for adults, but many courses work from the bottom and teach reading to adults just as it is taught to kids. Find ways to t...