Northern Ireland
In this section, you can enjoy videos relating to Northern Ireland. Please follow the links on the right hand side to access the videos.
An Overview Of Northern Ireland's High-Tech Business Center
Added 1,039 Views / 0 LikesNorman Apsley, CEO of the Northern Ireland Science Park, describes the buildings in the province's high-tech business center, and the companies operating the...
Bangor Northern Ireland
Added 801 Views / 0 LikesSunny day out in Bangor Northern Ireland Sunday April 10th 2011
Belfast And The Best Of Northern Ireland
Added 665 Views / 0 LikesIn this program we tour bustling Belfast's City Hall and Ulster Museum, then head out to Northern Ireland's favorite resort: Portrush, along the Antrim Coast...
Brits&Northern Ireland FULL Documentary Ep1
Added 723 Views / 0 LikesThis show tells the full story of the Northern Irelands troubled history. There are 3 episodes for each group. Brits - Provos - loyalists. Don't for get to l...
Brits&Northern Ireland FULL Documentary Ep2
Added 695 Views / 0 LikesThis show tells the full story of the Northern Irelands troubled history. There are 3 episodes for each group. Brits - Provos - loyalists. Don't for get to l...
Business, Professional And Financial Services In Northern Ireland
Added 1,087 Views / 0 LikesAn overview of the wide range of activities carried out in Northern Ireland.
Construction - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 996 Views / 0 LikesNick Turberville , UK Business Development Director, Trade&Construction and Eleanor Butterwick, Trade Advisor, Construction outline construction opportunit...
Doing Business In Brazil - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 811 Views / 0 LikesRenate Buzon, In Market Advisor, Brazil and Teresa Madden, Trade Advisor, South America outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland companie...
Doing Business In Canada - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 718 Views / 0 LikesJC Jeffrey, In Market Advisor, Canada and Kate Gilmore, Trade Advisor, North America outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland companies i...
Doing Business In Europe - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 824 Views / 0 LikesSteve Murnaghan, In Market Advisor, Europe and Elaine Curran, Trade Advisor, Europe outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland companies in...
Doing Business In Kurdistan - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 790 Views / 0 LikesNazim Mustafa, In Market Advisor, Kurdistan and Noel Johnston, Trade Advisor, Asia outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland companies in ...