Northern Ireland
In this section, you can enjoy videos relating to Northern Ireland. Please follow the links on the right hand side to access the videos.
Invest Northern Ireland - Invest In Northern Ireland
Added 1,127 Views / 0 LikesAs a location, Northern Ireland has exactly what you're looking for - a superb infrastructure, competitive costs and a young, educated workforce with an unst...
Doing Business In The USA - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 1,111 Views / 0 LikesBrian Glynn, In Market Advisor, USA and Terry Reilly, Trade Advisor, USA outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland companies in the US ICT...
Doing Business In Saudi Arabia - Export Opportinities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 1,106 Views / 0 LikesWissam Saadi, In Market Advisor, Saudi Arabia and Claire Gadd, Trade Advisor, Middle East outline business opportunities available to Northern Ireland compan...
Northern Ireland fans singing
Added 1,104 Views / 0 LikesNorthern Ireland fans in full voice for the Italy match at Windsor Park Belfast Friday 8th October
Business, Professional And Financial Services In Northern Ireland
Added 1,087 Views / 0 LikesAn overview of the wide range of activities carried out in Northern Ireland.
How To Register A Business In Northern Ireland
Added 1,050 Views / 0 LikesThis video walks you through the process of forming a company, making your business go from idea to legal entity.
An Overview Of Northern Ireland's High-Tech Business Center
Added 1,039 Views / 0 LikesNorman Apsley, CEO of the Northern Ireland Science Park, describes the buildings in the province's high-tech business center, and the companies operating the...
Northern Ireland- Open For Business
Added 1,012 Views / 0 LikesDUP Leader and First Minister of Northern Ireland speaking from Washington USA where he and other Ministers from the Executive including Enterprise Minister ...
Invest Northern Ireland - Success
Added 1,005 Views / 0 LikesThe Northern Ireland economy has a growing reputation for innovative excellence. Northern Ireland business are achieving global success. Invest NI can help y...
Doing Business In South Africa - Export Opportunities For Northern Ireland Companies
Added 1,002 Views / 0 LikesRonelle Dinsmore, In Market Advisor, South Africa and Majella McLaverty, Trade Advisor, South Africa outline business opportunities available to Northern Ire...
Invest Northern Ireland - How We Help
Added 1,001 Views / 0 LikesInvest NI works in partnership with business in Northern Ireland, responding to business needs and providing financial and advisory support. Visit http://www...